34.13 Comments on the JAIC Report
by Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Petershagen, Hamburg

The JAIC Report has been analysed from the naval architects point of view and the resulting comments are completely incorporated into PART C. The conclusions of Professor Petershagen read as follows: "The sections of the final report of the Joint Accident Investigation Commission commented in this contribution are based on a number of individual investigations. Most of these are carried out according to the present state of knowledge and analysis methods. However, the results involve large uncertainties, especially with regard to the loads on the bow visor at the time of the accident. Moreover, the report contains misinterpretations and neglects possible influence factors on the visor failure such as maintenance conditions of the structures in question and pre-existing damage. Summarizing it has to be stated that the parts of the final report commented do not offer a reliable basis for a realistic assessment of the bow visor failure of MV "ESTONIA".